Wednesday, August 29, 2007

The great beasts come home to roost...

After preparations that lasted about three years, the man labeled as the “wasp” thought to himself, “Yes, I’m ready”. He was ready to go into the jungle in search of the great beast that had defied him for the past three years. It wasn’t the first time he had gone hunting in the last few years, but he had not been on a serious hunting expedition in a long time that he thought he’d lost all the techniques necessary to make a kill. Like his fathers said, “To catch the great beast, you’ve learn how to crouch like a tiger, hide your spots in the jungle, and most importantly strike when the iron is hot”, and that was exactly what he set out to achieve.
His preparations for this great hunting expedition was intensifying with each passing day, and with each training routine he accomplished, he felt he was getting ready for the day when he would go in search of the great beasts. He had put in a lot of efforts into his preparation though he admitted to himself that he was lucky because he was naturally endowed with all the skills necessary to hunt the great beasts. Having all the skills necessary for the great beast hunting should make things easier he thought, but as always happens, most great beasts run very far when a hunter with such skills as his entered the jungle to feed. The premonition that a great hunter was out sent out electric effects round the great beast kingdom triggering a domino effect, such that even the best hunters find it very difficult to pick a target.

He had hunted great beasts in a previous kingdom, and since moving to this new kingdom, he realized that he had to refine his hunting skills. This realization dawned on him when he attempted his first kill in the new kingdom using his time tested methods of charming the beast, ensnaring it and finally taking it by the throat. Needless to say, it ended in disaster because as he realized afterwards, his charming powers had not had the intended effect and sadly, it was the first time he had failed in a major kill. The chain of events triggered off by that failed kill ensured that his strategy was known to his preys, and he decided to take a hiatus and re strategize. During this hiatus, he had come out only to feed on lonely and lost great beasts in the dead of the nights, and using them to fine tune the methods he had developed for his first major kill. Indeed, at this time he knew and felt more confident that he had mastered the art of hunting the great beasts in this new kingdom and it was time to pick up his gauntlet again.

As part of his training regimen, he frequently visited the kingdoms jungles to see the various types of great beasts existing in them. On this day, he went into the jungle to meditate and have a feel of the environment as part of his usual training methods. The jungle was filled up with an assorted number and varieties of great beasts, great beasts that were so fierce looking like he had never seen. Truly, he didn’t know that such great beasts exist and their ferocity and tenacious manners made them very remarkable and enticing preys.

He wasn’t entirely ready for his great hunting expedition, and he knew he wasn’t prepared to make a kill yet but today seemed very different. He couldn’t exactly define why that day seemed different, perhaps it was the strong gush of winds that was flowing from his energy store that made the great beasts sway to the sound of music it produced, or maybe it was the new color that he had adopted as his camouflage. The great beasts all swarmed around him like bees drawn to nectar, he could understand if they didn’t realize that he was a hunter on a reconnaissance mission. It was happening faster that he had anticipated and there were two great beasts that stood out in the pack. He took both of the great beasts to the top of the hill, and there he discovered to his utter amazement that he could make both kills with a single shot. Making two kills with one shot was a very delicate skill, and only the greatest masters could achieve such a feat. To make both kills, he realized that he would need to take both great beasts to opposite ends but keep them aligned together in order to ensure a perfect kill with a single strike. He had his entire strategy all planned out in his mind, and then it finally dawned on him….the great hunt had begun without him actually planning it and he questioned his preparedness at this time.

To be continued….


Perspectives said...

how interesting that self doubt shoul d lick in at the moment when what one is possible may become fulfilled and in the exact moment that opportunity. i'd like to think that fear will be abandoned and two birds will be killed with one stone ;)

Anonymous said...

Well written article.