Sunday, July 29, 2007

My Journey begins...

Tomorrow, I will begin a journey that I can not tell where or when it would end, but wherever it ends, whenever it ends and whatever it ends up with, I hope it ends very well. Perhaps, someday I would look back at this day and remember when I began this journey. I would recall all the uncertainties and the deep fear I had in me when it all began, and a hopefully a smile would creep through my face as I tell this story to a different generation. I have waited for this day for a long long time, and finally here it is, and all I can feel is INDIFFERNCE. Thats amazing for something you've looked forward to for a greater part of my life, and now its about to happen, I don't have any feelings.

A new chapter would be opened in the book called "my life", when I leave the life I have known all my life for a new and different path in life. Tomorrow I would officially be joining the working class. yay. School days are suspended for now !!! After high school about a decade ago, all I could dream of was being successful and making all that MONEY $$$ in it's taken me this amount of time to get there......that point where I feel I'm ready.

These past few weeks, I've gone shopping to get all my suits, shirts, etc for work which I must confess has left me wondering so much about life. I studied engineering in college, and I never imagined being like my father who had to dress in corporate attires every day for work. I prayed so much not to have to dress like him, and consoled myself that with an engineering degree, I won't need to, but how wrong I was. I would be working in a financial services firm, and I would have to dress up each day. How I ended up there, is a story for another day. I had to learn how to knot a tie yesterday, since I never bothered to learn before now as I didn't feel it was necessary, but again, I was wrong.

I'm not excited and I'm not scared either for tomorrow, I'm just chill, whatever that means. Anyway, I'm sure it would go well and I can't wait to write about my first day at work. The journey has begun, and where it ends, I don't know. Thats life....unpredictable..but it's been good to me on this journey, and I hope it stays that way!!! Peace out .


Rinsola said...

so howz ur new job coming? all the best!

Perspectives said...

waiting to hear about this first day of work. could it be that you are just "chill" cos you're giving up some of your dreams for a practical resolution/commitment or work that is not all you dreamed/hoped for. I speculate. I heard a contradiction somewhere there in the tie knotting..hoping you find passion in the work you do, making the big $$$. Guess you're a big boy in town now from the sounds of it....i believe congrats are in order. we go wash am O O! :)

Ozymandias said...

@rinsola, I survived the first day and
@ bk, yes o, we suppose wash am, I guess it's me questioning myself about being sure of what I'm know the uncertainty on enjoying the job itself, and thinking less of the money. Well, there's the flexibilty of switching.